When The Perfidious Albion was originally created, it was aimed at being an alternative to much longer European events that were off the cards due to the pandemic. However, over the past few months, we’ve had increasing feedback from riders that such a long event raised an array of practical issues, particularly relating to work and family commitments. Add to this an already packed 2022 calendar and many riders have been struggling to squeeze it in.

Therefore, following some really constructive conversations with the riders that have already signed up, we have decided to shorten The Perfidious Albion to 1,600 kilometres for 2022. This was already the plan for 2023, but we’ve made the decision to move this forward. The new route is still being finalised, but it effectively cuts out the West Country section, finishing in the Cotswolds. You can find a draft version here.

The hope is that this change will reduce barriers to entry by making it feasible to complete by the second weekend and also ensuring the physical toll is not quite so enormous. In addition to this, it now acts as a more natural step up for the Wild West Country, which is ideal for riders with less experience of ultra-endurance cycling. All in all, we hope this will help ensure The Perfidious Albion is a sustainable event that can continue for many years to come.

This shortening of the event has also allowed us to reduce the price to £175 and we have offered partial refunds to all the riders that have signed up already. As before, we’re still offering a £15 discount to riders who commit to avoiding flying or driving to/from the event.

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