As with all great ideas, The Perfidious Albion began as a lighthearted throwaway comment. Following the postponement of the 2021 Transcontinental for a second year running, Rob jokingly suggested to Andrew that they should hold their own event in the UK instead.
48 hours later, a route was already drafted. The week after that, a webpage went live. And less than two weeks after the initial joking comment, the first rider was officially signed up.

The aim of this first event was to replicate the length and intensity of the Transcontinental, whilst limited to the roads of mainland Britain. In fact, the brutal gradients combined with an uncharacteristic heatwave led to an event that more than rivalled the TCR in terms of difficulty. Ten riders left Lockerbie at the start, but just one rider reached the finish in the Cotswolds, 2,400 kilometres later.
Fear not, this savage first version of the route has now been updated for future editions. But it remains a hugely challenging ride. Anyone looking to take on any of the events should remember that the best UK riding is also the hardest. Gradients above 20% are common and descents are rarely relaxing. But on a clear summer’s day, it is worth every drop of sweat and every aching muscle fibre.

In an attempt to offer a more accessible option, we introduced the Wild West Country in 2022. This 800-kilometre route remains challenging, but it is far more achievable for those with less experience or short on time. It proved to be hugely popular and the first edition was sold out. It attracted a wide variety of riders and the intensity of the route seemed to satisfy everyone from beginners to veterans.
And the TPA collection grew further with the addition of Mountains of the Merfynion in 2023. Our first off-road event, this route was in development for two years and features almost every surface imaginable, combining some well-known trails with other rarely ridden sections. Challenging in a different way to both of the road events, it sits between the other two in distance and duration.

Who are we?

Rob Gardiner
Event Director & Founder
The man behind the original punishing TPA route, Rob rediscovered his love for UK cycling during lockdown. With a background in long-distance touring across several continents, he transitioned into ultra-endurance riding in his late 20s. Since then, Rob has briefly held a world record and has competed in several races across a number of countries. He also runs Follow My Challenge UK.

Nadia Hussain
Event Director
A recent cycling convert, Nadia was first roped into helping out during the inaugural event in 2021, volunteering to locate riders in Wales and the Cotswolds. While not an ultra-endurance cyclist, she’s an avid dotwatcher and the sole team member to finish the Fasted500. She offers a unique perspective untainted by a lifetime on two wheels. Plus, she’s known for having the best team snacks.

Kitty Dennis
Event Director
Having finished the Wild West Country in 2022, Kitty joined the team as a roving reporter/photographer during both The Perfidious Albion and Mountains of the Merfynion in 2023. She also bravely volunteered to recce Great Dun Fell in a gale to check it was safe. When not risking life and limb for riders, she works for DotWatcher.
People Helping Keep the Wheels Spinning
We’re lucky to have had several former riders come back and help out with running these events. If you’re keen to do the same, please get in touch.

Liz Hughes
WWC22 finisher
After finishing the Wild West Country in 2022, Liz returned in 2023 to become a roving reporter, intercepting riders along the Dorset coast. She is an experienced racer across multiple disciplines and is also a coach and MTB guide.

Joe Tresadern
TPA22 and WWC23 finisher
The first rider to finish both Wild West Country and The Perfidious Albion, Joe returned in 2023 to hunt the hills of north and central Wales with his camera. A relative newcomer to ultra-endurance cycling, his strategy of cycling from pub to pub has seen him maintain a 100% finish rate so far.

Andrew Phillips
Andrew took part in the inaugural TPA, where he finished first. An experienced and highly competitive ultra rider, he began working for Lost Dot in 2022. This fresh commitment means he has had to step back from organisational responsibilities but still helps with logistics and commentary.